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Last Week Before School

(10 September 17)

Hi everyone!

For those of you in Florida, I hope the hurricane is pushing out to sea and you all have a safe place to go. I have been following the news pretty closely this past week and am praying for everyone's safety. I wanted to provide everyone with a quick update of everything that has happened since my last post. This past weekend I worked the Portobello town fair for the local Rotary club. It was a great community event and an awesome chance to have some fun with the community while raising funds for some of Rotary's many projects. Sadly, I missed out on most picture taking opportunities as I was running one of the game booths that was quite popular with the children. Also, welcome week starts this Friday at the university. I am spending today and tomorrow reviewing some mathematics, so I do not feel like I am too far behind once classes begins. Lastly, I am enjoying the last few calm days by trying to take in some of the sites of the city. I had the chance to hike Arthur's Seat this morning with my girlfriend and it was a blast; I strongly recommend it if anyone has the chance to visit. Attached are a few photos from the fair and the views from Arthur's Seat. I did not think anyone would be interested in the elements of probability theory that I have been looking at since finishing the hike. Hope everyone is doing well and staying safe!

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