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Getting Close to Graduation

Sorry for not updating the blog in a while. A lot has happened since my last post. Most importantly, I finished my last semester of classes and am working on my thesis! My thesis is working on modeling a curve of information decay on gene information content. This is going to be used by the Roslin Institute in evaluating genes for therapy to hopefully protect people from the flu. To achieve this, I am trying to train a wide range of machine learning algorithms on a variety of datasets to verify that my model is indeed accurate. It has been really cool working along some incredibly smart and interesting people trying to combat diseases. In less academic news, I only have two months left in Scotland! This is pretty bittersweet for me as I am excited to get back to the states and get to work in the Army, but living in Scotland has been an amazing opportunity full of new experiences, adventure, and learning. I’m hoping to make the most of the next two months, although most of it is going to be spent writing and researching. I have some friends who are based in Germany at the moment who want to go to Spain for the running of the bulls, so I will make sure to post some fun pictures if we are able to make it there. The Edinburgh Fringe Festival will also be happening soon where performers from all over the world come to town for a month of shows all around the city. I’ve been looking forward to seeing it all year, so hopefully it will serve as extra motivation to finish my work early. I hope all is well with everyone and please reach out!

Kind Regards,

David Far

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