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First Rugby Experience

Hi, All!

Its been a little while since my last post, mostly because not much has happened except for a lot of school work. The end of the semester is drawing near and with it has come a lot of deadlines for projects. I did have a chance this past weekend though to take some time off and attend an international rugby game in Edinburgh with some of my friends also studying Data Science. The game was played between the Scottish and Samoan National teams in a sold out stadium of over 60,000 fans! Listening to 60,000 people all sing the Scottish National Anthem at once was incredibly beautiful. There is a link to a video of the anthem posted below as well as the Samoan Hakka, I strongly suggest checking it out. From what I could tell, it seemed that the Scottish are very passionate about their rugby and watching a sold out game was quite an experience. By the end of the game, I started to understand the rules which made it even more enjoyable! In other news, the Christmas season has started in Edinburgh with beautiful lights going up all around the city and the official opening of the Christmas market this weekend. I will definitely take some pictures when it does for my next blog post. Sadly, my last final is not until December 20th, so it may take a while until I get to fully enjoy the holiday season around Edinburgh. I hope everyone is doing well and thank you for reading the blog!

Samoan Haka (

Flower of Scotland (

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